• Monday, January 16, 2006

    Iowa dreaming: Vilsack thinks cloning is here and curing people

    This is what I emailed Iowa's Governor and the Iowa newspapers:

    Has Governor Vilsack missed the news from Korea regarding the Hwang cloning scandal?!!

    In one paragraph, you state
    "One of the greatest gifts God gives to children is a vivid imagination"

    Later you say that " At the time we never dreamt that new treatments dependent upon such transplants would be developed so quickly. Well, they have been, and as a result we should revisit our ban on nuclear cell transplants" is, as of now, back to daydreams, a figment of you or your staff's imagination.

    Science was never close to treatments based on SCNT / Cloning and with the Korean scandal, the effort is back to "square one" even among diehard proponents. Don't make the same mistake that we have in California believing a phony bill of goods. Put your research priorities on adult stem cell, cord blood and bone marrow transplants.

    see: Iowa State of the State

    hat tip:
    wesley smith blog