Is a piece of paper worth the deaths in Iraq?
Text of Iraq constituion above - NY Times free registration may be required.
Was it worth it? If the constitution sticks, will the war be worth it? Is Saddam is executed, will it be worth it?
Well, ask yourself was Nuremberg worth the fuss we made over conquering the Nazis?
Was putting in a government and a new constitution in half of Germany worth the effort?
Actually, in my mind, a fight against tyranny, once engaged, is almost always worth it. To me, any one who died in the fight against totalitarianism, from Gulag to China to Vietnam, whether the battle was ultimately won, died not in vain. Just a thought!
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what a strangely absurd article , comparing the very noble actions of the world to defeat hitler , with little old Saddam , you will make him proud
the problem is you see , we didnt remove the Nazis and then carry on gassing the jews did we ?
but we remove Saddam and use the prisons that he tortured people in , to torture people in
we remove a secular govnerment and replace it with an extreme islamic one , hey saddam had a christian in his goverment , you want to se if we get any christians on thursday ?
of course hitler had death squads , we got rid of those
sadddam had death squads too , but guess what , the Shia led good guys we are there to save , well they have death squads too
of course Saddam used Horrible nasty evil chemical weapons , (hmm better not check exactly how he got them ) , and we used good old chemical weapons too in falluja
i wont go on , but lets just say if we had removed hitler and replaced him with stalin your analogy would be correct
BTW now that nice Mr Bush has told us all that 30,000 iraqi's have died so that we could remove this evil man and well , carry on the evil ourselves ... do you think 30 ,000 people would have been killed by saddam in this period ? do you think he might have used the WMD that he didnt have ?
or have we commited a greater evil even then him
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